Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\create(): Implicitly marking parameter $className as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 32

Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\autowire(): Implicitly marking parameter $className as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 44

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\create(): Implicitly marking parameter $className as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 32

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\autowire(): Implicitly marking parameter $className as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 44

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\ContainerBuilder::writeProxiesToFile(): Implicitly marking parameter $proxyDirectory as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 231

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Source\ReflectionBasedAutowiring::autowire(): Implicitly marking parameter $definition as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 17

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Source\Autowiring::autowire(): Implicitly marking parameter $definition as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 21

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Source\DefinitionFile::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $autowiring as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 25

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Source\DefinitionArray::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $autowiring as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 33

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Source\DefinitionNormalizer::normalizeRootDefinition(): Implicitly marking parameter $wildcardsReplacements as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 42

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Proxy\ProxyFactory::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $proxyDirectory as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 38

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Container::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $definitionSource as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 87

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Container::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $proxyFactory as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 87

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Container::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $wrapperContainer as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 87

Deprecated: YoastSEO_Vendor\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $parameterBag as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 60

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_Store::save_action(): Implicitly marking parameter $scheduled_date as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 29

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_Store::stake_claim(): Implicitly marking parameter $before_date as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 188

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_Store::get_scheduled_date_string(): Implicitly marking parameter $scheduled_date as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 257

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_Store::get_scheduled_date_string_local(): Implicitly marking parameter $scheduled_date as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 274

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_DBStore::save_unique_action(): Implicitly marking parameter $scheduled_date as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 55

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_DBStore::save_action(): Implicitly marking parameter $scheduled_date as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 68

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_DBStore::save_action_to_db(): Implicitly marking parameter $date as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 82

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_DBStore::stake_claim(): Implicitly marking parameter $before_date as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 795

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_DBStore::claim_actions(): Implicitly marking parameter $before_date as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 860

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_Logger::log(): Implicitly marking parameter $date as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 28

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_Logger::log_failed_fetch_action(): Implicitly marking parameter $exception as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 142

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_DBLogger::log(): Implicitly marking parameter $date as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 21

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_QueueRunner::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $store as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 39

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_QueueRunner::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $monitor as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 39

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_QueueRunner::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $cleaner as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 39

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_QueueRunner::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $async_request as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 39

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_Abstract_QueueRunner::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $store as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 34

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_Abstract_QueueRunner::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $monitor as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 34

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_Abstract_QueueRunner::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $cleaner as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 34

Deprecated: ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $store as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 35

Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\ContainerBuilder::writeProxiesToFile(): Implicitly marking parameter $proxyDirectory as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 231

Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\Definition\Source\ReflectionBasedAutowiring::autowire(): Implicitly marking parameter $definition as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 17

Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\Definition\Source\Autowiring::autowire(): Implicitly marking parameter $definition as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 21

Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\Definition\Source\DefinitionFile::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $autowiring as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 25

Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\Definition\Source\DefinitionArray::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $autowiring as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 33

Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\Definition\Source\DefinitionNormalizer::normalizeRootDefinition(): Implicitly marking parameter $wildcardsReplacements as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 42

Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\Proxy\ProxyFactory::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $proxyDirectory as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 38

Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\Container::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $definitionSource as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 87

Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\Container::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $proxyFactory as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 87

Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\Container::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $wrapperContainer as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 87

Deprecated: Elementor\Controls_Stack::get_active_controls(): Implicitly marking parameter $controls as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 352

Deprecated: Elementor\Controls_Stack::get_active_controls(): Implicitly marking parameter $settings as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 352

Deprecated: Elementor\Controls_Stack::get_style_controls(): Implicitly marking parameter $controls as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 799

Deprecated: Elementor\Controls_Stack::get_style_controls(): Implicitly marking parameter $settings as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 799

Deprecated: Elementor\Elements_Manager::create_element_instance(): Implicitly marking parameter $element_type as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 70

Deprecated: Elementor\Element_Base::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $args as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 1569

Deprecated: Elementor\Repeater::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $args as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 49

Deprecated: Elementor\Core\Utils\Collection::filter(): Implicitly marking parameter $callback as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 43

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\ObjectDefinition::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $className as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 62

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\ObjectDefinition::setClassName(): Implicitly marking parameter $className as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 75

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\ObjectDefinition::setLazy(): Implicitly marking parameter $lazy as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 158

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Resolver\ObjectCreator::setPrivatePropertyValue(): Implicitly marking parameter $className as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 158

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Resolver\ParameterResolver::resolveParameters(): Implicitly marking parameter $definition as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 34

Deprecated: ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Resolver\ParameterResolver::resolveParameters(): Implicitly marking parameter $method as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 34

Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\Definition\ObjectDefinition::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $className as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 62

Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\Definition\ObjectDefinition::setClassName(): Implicitly marking parameter $className as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 75

Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\Definition\ObjectDefinition::setLazy(): Implicitly marking parameter $lazy as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 158

Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\Definition\Resolver\ObjectCreator::setPrivatePropertyValue(): Implicitly marking parameter $className as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 158

Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\Definition\Resolver\ParameterResolver::resolveParameters(): Implicitly marking parameter $definition as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 34

Deprecated: ElementorProDeps\DI\Definition\Resolver\ParameterResolver::resolveParameters(): Implicitly marking parameter $method as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 34

Deprecated: ElementorPro\Modules\Forms\Submissions\Actions\Save_To_Database::save_action_log(): Implicitly marking parameter $exception as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 159

Deprecated: {closure:ElementorPro\Modules\Forms\Submissions\Actions\Save_To_Database::__construct():193}(): Implicitly marking parameter $exception as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 193

Deprecated: Elementor\Core\Files\CSS\Post::add_controls_stack_style_rules(): Implicitly marking parameter $all_controls as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 221

Deprecated: Elementor\Core\Files\CSS\Base::add_controls_stack_style_rules(): Implicitly marking parameter $all_controls as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 552

Deprecated: Elementor\Core\Files\CSS\Base::get_active_controls(): Implicitly marking parameter $controls as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 921

Deprecated: Elementor\Core\Files\CSS\Base::get_active_controls(): Implicitly marking parameter $settings as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 921

Deprecated: Elementor\Core\Files\CSS\Base::get_style_controls(): Implicitly marking parameter $controls as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 949

Deprecated: Elementor\Core\Files\CSS\Base::get_style_controls(): Implicitly marking parameter $settings as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 949

Deprecated: Elementor\Core\DynamicTags\Dynamic_CSS::add_controls_stack_style_rules(): Implicitly marking parameter $all_controls as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 104

Deprecated: Elementor\Stylesheet::add_rules(): Implicitly marking parameter $query as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 141
Little Roma Phuket - Little Roma Phuket | Ristorante & Pizzeria v

Deprecated: Elementor\Includes\Widgets\Traits\Button_Trait::render_button(): Implicitly marking parameter $instance as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 517

Deprecated: Elementor\Includes\Widgets\Traits\Button_Trait::render_text(): Implicitly marking parameter $instance as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 648

Deprecated: ElementorPro\Modules\Posts\Traits\Button_Widget_Trait::render_button(): Implicitly marking parameter $instance as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 491

Deprecated: ElementorPro\Modules\Carousel\Widgets\Media_Carousel::print_slider(): Implicitly marking parameter $settings as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 305

Deprecated: ElementorPro\Modules\Carousel\Widgets\Base::print_slider(): Implicitly marking parameter $settings as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 579

Deprecated: ElementorPro\Modules\Payments\Widgets\Paypal_Button::render_button(): Implicitly marking parameter $instance as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 225

Deprecated: ElementorPro\Modules\Payments\Classes\Payment_Button::render_button(): Implicitly marking parameter $instance as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 499

Deprecated: ElementorPro\Modules\Payments\Widgets\Stripe_Button::render_button(): Implicitly marking parameter $instance as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 249

A Taste Of Italy

RESERVATION: +66 63 090 7979 | 11:00 – 23:00 (Last Order | 22:30) | PORTO DE PHUKET

RESERVATION:  +66 63 090 7979

11:00 – 23:00  (Last Order 22:30)



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RESERVATION: +66 63 090 7979 | 10:00 – 23:00 (Last Order | 22:30) | PORTO DE PHUKET

Deprecated: Constant E_STRICT is deprecated in /home/iceconsu/public_html/ on line 250